The aim of the article. The aim of the article is consideration of theoretical and methodical principles of development and practical application of customers' loyalty programs which help to define the program choice criteria for a business. The results of the analysis. The article considers the loyalty program as marketing tool, characterized by system approach and directed upon chosen customers target group loyalty forming with the aim to create and uphold long term relations with. Theoretical regulations of the loyalty program stated in the article by the author are formed at the criterion basis of their classification (due to number of participants, essence of entering barriers and conditions; at the condition of customers encouragement; depending on the given advantage; depending on the target group character) and types. Taking into consideration the above mentioned programs types, the author defines the appropriateness of their application for light industry goods customers. The author classifies the types of programs according to organizational and economic component and with respect to privileges levels of the chosen target group of customers. In the context of the given research work, the author considers theoretical, methodological and managerial fundamentals and implementation of loyalty program for light industry goods customers. We offer to fulfill the process loyalty program development in four stages (organizational and managerial, informational and methodological, financial and economical, controlling and correcting). Each of them holds corresponding components and consistent actions. To estimate the efficiency of loyalty program, the author suggests to use the following methods choosing only those which are corresponding to the parameters of customer loyalty and additional economic effect gaining. While researching and estimating the level of customer loyalty of a business, the author suggested the following issues, directed upon measuring their positive or negative treating the goods of a business. The objects of the research were businesses of Poltava region specializing at knitwear. The conducted inquiry permitted to form key factors of customers' loyalty gaining and loss to define the chain and content of managerial components of loyalty program correcting. With the air to define the factors of loyalty gaining and loss, we offered the matrix method analysis using according to which all the received results are ranged due to following levels of factors significance: low level of loyalty gaining; high level of loyalty gaining low level of loyalty loss; high level of loyalty loss. According to the results of the conducted inquiry we formed the matrix of loyalty key conditions. The matrix holds four squares each describes formed according to the mentioned parameters factors and strategic regulations of their correcting. The author thinks that monitoring processes must go before the correcting processes. Conclusions and directions offurther researches. In the further researches we plan to conduct deep and profound comparative analysis of the implementations results suggested to the businesses of Poltava region light industry loyalty programs, finding out drawbacks and correcting the businesses actions, relying upon behavioral reaction of customers.