Old-Church-Slavonic literature;
culture and spirituality of Medieval Rus';
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C [社会科学总论];
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This article is a voice in the debate on the legacy of Professor Ryszard Luzny's (1927-1998) translations from Old-Church-Slavonic. This aspect of Luzny's research is presented from the perspective of the genre studies in the domain of the East Slavic medieval literature and juxtaposed against Polish translations of the Balkan Slavic literatures. The article is complemented with the bibliography of Ryszard Luzny's translations from Old-Church-Slavonic and his other translations into Polish of literature and folklore literary art from in the domain of Slavia Orthodoxa published after 1945, which have not yet been incorporated in the Bibliography of the translation of Old literature in the domain of Slavia Orthodoxa into Polish by A. Kawecka, I. Petrov and M. Skowronek (see the reference list in the article)