Literary data on the recommended content of metabolizable energy in feed mix for Japanese quail during laying are, varying (Peter et al., 1986; Voght , 1988; Shim, Vohra, 1984). The objective of this paper was to determine the effect of various dietary contents of metabolizable energy at identical (20 %) and increased (22 %) content of crude protein (Tab. I) on the performance of Japanese quail in laying period. Pullets of Japanese quail at the age of six weeks were included in the trial; they were housed individually in cages. Tab. II shows feed mix formulation. Tab. III indicates basic figures of efficiency. Various contents of dietary metabolizable energy and the increased content of crude protein did not influence egg laying significantly. Egg weight was significantly reduced at the highest energy content, particularly due to the lower yolk weight (P < 0.05). The other figures of egg quality were not significantly affected (Tab. IV). Neither were there any larger differences in egg fertilization and hatchability. Increasing the dietary energy content reduced feed mix consumption per bird by 10.1 % and 14.3 % at better conversion by 9.8 % and 14.3 % (P < 0.01). Similar results were obtained for the increased content of crude protein and energy (decrease in feed consumption by 13.6 % and better feed conversion by 14.1 %) (P < 0.01). Crude protein consumption and utilization were in the same relations as feed consumption. Even at the increased content of crude protein and metabolizable energy their consumption was lower by 5.2 % and their conversion was better by 5.8 % (P > 0.05). In spite of the increasing content of dietary metabolizable energy, its consumption was lower by 4.6 to 5.4 % (P > 0.05) and its conversion was better by 5.2 to 6.0 % (P < 0.05). Lower manure production corresponded to the reduced feed intake as well as their mutual ratio did (Tab. V). Live weight of Japanese quail, dressing percentage and mortality did not change significantly. An increase in abdominal fat weight at the highest energy concentration was also insignificant only. It is possible to draw a conclusion on the basis of the obtained results that the optimum content of dietary metabolizable energy for Japanese quail is 12.05 to 12.60 MJ/kg per 1 % crude protein.