European Union policy concerns the measures of promoting development in rural area on every of its sections, for member states as well as for those that are about to access. Thus, an important coordinate is multifinctionality, and its content may be found in the amplifying the function of the rural environment. Romania is able to answer this request, because the rural area, with its features, has the capacity to generate various, interdependent and complementary activities, which can determine the social and economical development. Diversifying the activities is an advantage for the rural economy by providing supplementary income to the farmers, occupying the work force in activities other than agricultural, integrating small producers in the rural environment, increasing the multifunctional role of producers - from agricultural producers to service suppliers or even enterprisers - efficient preservation and using of natural patrimony. According to the above, the paper presents the present state and emphasizes the prospective of the rural area from the viewpoint of multifuntionality.