The clinical efficacy and safety of single-dose and multiple-dose fleroxacin were assessed and compared with those of ciprofloxacin in women with uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) in this clinical study. This multicenter, randomized, double-blind, prospective study compared single-dose therapy with fleroxacin, 400 mg, with 7-day courses of fleroxacin, 200 mg once a day, and ciprofloxacin, 250 mg twice a day, in the treatment of uncomplicated symptomatic UTI in women at 18 centers in the United States. Of 961 patients enrolled, 316 were in the fleroxacin single-dose group, 321 in the fleroxacin 7-day group, and 324 in the ciprofloxacin group. Of these patients, 943 met the criteria for inclusion in the safety analysis and 556 met those for inclusion in the efficacy analysis. Bacteriologic cure rates at 5-9 days after therapy in patients evaluable for efficacy were 88%, 96%, and 96% in the single-dose fleroxacin group, 7-day fleroxacin group, and 7-day ciprofloxacin group, respectively (p < 0.05). Clinical cures occurred in 93.6%, 97.2%, and 98% of the groups, respectively (difference not significant). At 4-6 weeks after therapy, the rates of bacteriologic cure in the single-dose fleroxacin group, 7-day fleroxacin group, and 7-day ciprofloxacin group were 91%, 89%, and 93%, respectively (difference not significant). Adverse events were similar to those with other new quinolones and comparable among the treatment groups. Insomnia was more frequent in patients who received fleroxacin. Fleroxacin and ciprofloxacin as multidose regimens are similarly safe and effective in the treatment of uncomplicated UTI in women. Single-dose fleroxacin achieved a clinical response rate comparable to that achieved by the multiple-dose regimens, whereas its bacteriologic eradication rate was inferior.