To make use of wastewater resources in harmony with nature, relying upon the decomposition capacity of the terrestrial ecosystem with soil-plant-microorganism mechanisms for self-purification, converting of harm into good, an artificial ecosystem involving industrial point pollution control, sedimentation and stabilization ponds, followed by a soil-plant system with special varieties of willow, sorghum and rice was established in pilot scale and its purification function for organic pollutants and essential macronutrients was studied. As the key parameters of environmental quality, BOD5, COD, TOC, N and P were monitored. Furthermore, some selected priority organic pollutants such as DBP, DEHP and their behaviour in the system were determined and evaluated carefully. From the holistic point of view, the results obtained show an excellent performance for wastewater treatment which can match conventional secondary and partially advanced wastewater treatment. Based on the 1986-1989 intensive laboratory and field integrated investigation, a model ecological engineering land treatment system is proposed as a reform of the traditional wastewater irrigation pattern in China.