The present study aimed to describe the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome present in patients attending the Internal Medicine consultation Maracay Central Hospital during the period July 2010 to July 2011. This makes a field investigation, transversal and retrospective whose population was represented by 1200 medical records of patients seen in internal medicine during the prescribed period; the sample was selected through a simple random probability sampling, being made up of 120 cases. For the collection of information use an instrument with 6 demographic and 16 Items with closed answers. For the calculation of the reliability of the method of alpha and Kuder Richardson who threw stating a value of 0.88 internal consistency of the instrument was applied. Such analysis indicated that 25% of the sample reported ages between 60 to 69 years, 53% male; in weight 18% of men between 80 and weighed 89 kg and also 18% of women 70 to 79kg. Regarding the Metabolic Syndrome Components present, 78% of patients have hypertension, and 31% Body Mass Index> 30 (kg / m2) in 12% an Index Waist / Hip> 0.9 in men 0, 85. Moreover, 27% have abdominal circumference> 102 cm for men and 88 cm in women and in relation to strategies to prevent metabolic syndrome, amendments are proposed in lifestyle: weight loss, proper physical activity that increases the losses, improve all components of Metabolic Syndrome and contribute to weight loss.