This research considered the contribution of Revista Dialogo, press media edited and published by Grupo Paulinas, for the formation of Religious Education's teacher-reader, spanning the years from 1995 to 2010. The aim was to identify the teacher's perceptions about Religious Education from the Revista Dialogo perspectives, through the theoretical reader-receiver's focus. The importance of this matter is due to the adoption of Religious Education as a field of knowledge (1998) preceded by the review of the article 33, of the Law of Directives and Basis for the National Education (1997), which reinforced Religious Education as a curricular subject, as well as a field of knowledge, to be taught in public schools of elementary school. Considering the study object and the content to be analyzed, there was theoretical grounding laid by Freire, Junqueira, Garcia, and others. Providing the basis for the reception theory, with emphasis on the teacher-reader and the role of the language in the message conveyed by Revista Dialogo, Bordenave, Chalhub, Chartier, Martin-Barbero, Mattelart, and others were consulted. It was shown that Dialogo helps in the deepening and updating process about the Religious phenomenon, thus, orienting and widening the reader's knowledge. Therefore, under the viewpoint of the teacher-reader, the Revista Dialogo contributed to the continued formation of the Religious Education teacher. This teacher-reader now finds himself amidst the dynamical process in the search for his permanent and continued professional formation. Religious Education finds room for leading the student through reflections about the meaning of life and to get responsibly committed with the transformation of reality according to religious values, through free and coherent choices.