The eminent mathematical physicist Sir Hermann Bondi once said: "There is no more to science than its method, and there is not more to its method than Popper has said."(1) Indeed, many regard Sir Karl Raimund Popper the greatest philosopher of science in our generation. Much of what Popper "has said" refers to physics, but physicists, generally speaking, have little knowledge of what he has said. True, Popper's philosophy of science and, in particular, his realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics deviates considerably from the generally accepted doctrine. But as Popper, rightly I think, points out, it is precisely the proliferation of divergent theories which promotes the growth of scientific knowledge; it would be a danger for physics if physicists were dogmatically tied to a single theory or would not test their theory against alternatives. It is for this purpose that, on the occasion of the nonagenarian celebration of Popper's birthday, the present essay has been written.