Transplantation of kidneys from older donors is being advocated to expand the organ donor pool, However, the prevalence of atherosclerosis and age-induced renal structural alterations account for the variable function of allografts procured from these older donors. Pretransplant biopsies are sometimes used to evaluate kidneys from older donors, but to date there are no defined criteria correlating the extent of structural alterations in these kidneys to subsequent function, We investigated the effect of glomerulosclerosis, a marker for nephrosclerosis, on graft outcome. Sixty-five baseline biopsies of kidney allografts were retrospectively analyzed to identify a referent point of glomerulosclerosis that correlated with inferior graft outcome. Age and death from nontraumatic cerebrovascular injuries were the main correlates for donor glomerulosclerosis (P<0.001). Allografts with poor function at 6 months defined as serum creatinine >2.5 mg/dl (n=13) or nephrectomy (n=4) had a mean of 20% glomerulosclerosis at the time of implantation compared with only 2% sclerosis in allografts with good function (P<0.05). Delayed graft function occurred in 22% and 33% of recipients with no glomerulosclerosis and those with less than 20% glomerulosclerosis, respectively, In contrast, patients receiving kidneys with >20% sclerosis had an 87% incidence of delayed function (P<0.05). Moreover, graft loss occurred in 7% of recipients of kidneys with less than 20% sclerosis and in 38% of recipients with >20% sclerosis (P<0.04). Measurements of serum creatinine in the donors did not distinguish the different degrees of glomerulosclerosis found on biopsy, Our data indicate that donor glomerulosclerosis greater than 20% increases the risk of delayed graft function and poor outcome of transplanted kidneys. Therefore, we advocate the use of routine biopsies of kidneys from older (>50 yrs) donors and those donors with nontraumatic cerebrovascular accidents, despite seemingly normal preprocurement serum creatinine.