The article studies the role of subventions, one of the major types of intergovernmental transfers, in the Russian system of fiscal federalism. The authors demonstrate the structure, dynamics and major trends in the development of subventions over the last 15 years. The new typology of subventions, based on three criteria (financial volume, complexity of the procedure of determining the subvention value, frequency of changes made in these procedures), as well as the detailed classification of the major types of subventions is presented in the article. Finally, the authors draw conclusions on the future of subventions as an element of the Russian fiscal federalism.
Vologda State Tech Univ, Econ, Vologda, Russia
Vologda State Tech Univ, Vologda, Russia
Higher Sch Russian Federat, Moscow, RussiaVologda State Tech Univ, Econ, Vologda, Russia