This paper considers the importance of, and conditions for, a vibrant supply chain within the UK rail infrastructure sector. It explores issues that underpin supply chain innovation, sustainable growth within the supplier base and the benefits that the nation and informed clients gain through adoption of supply chain sustainability. Procurement practices have changed in recent years, and, particularly during the post-2012 Olympics period, there is a greater awareness now of the conditions required to deliver national economic infrastructure and the commercial conditions that promote efficient delivery and enable supply chain innovation. This paper includes some findings in 2015 of the initiative termed the 'Sustainable Supply Chain', steered by Robert Mallett (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), Chris Williams-Lilly (Rail Champions) and Richard Graham (CH2M). This work highlights the need for greater client focus on infrastructure operational requirements and outcomes, for the development of operational asset performance and functional requirements for the underlying projects that then inform the supply chain and its engagement in effective delivery of those outcomes. Within this early definition lies the client establishment of effective vertical supply chain relationships, their promotion of small to medium-sized enterprise investment and capabilities to achieve the clients' defined end-state requirements.