The subject of the paper is state ideology is an element of labor market. The main aim of the paper is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that main tasks of state ideology as a key element of labor market are positive motivation to systematic long-term employment, as well as social responsibility of business by strengthening the information function of labor legislation. The methodology of the study includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparative method, description) as well as particular academic methods (formal-legal method, interpretation of legal acts). The main results and scope of their application. The modern labor market should be defined as the vacancy market. At the same time, neither the concept of a vacancy nor its characteristics are established by legislation. The state ideology plays an important role among other information flows in the system of mandatory structural elements of the labor market. The state ideology accompanies the socio-economic development of society. The formation of labor motivation holds the dominant position in the organization of the labor market. State policy in relations on the organization of the labor market is a set of management decisions of the authorities, which form the state ideology among other things. The state, when realize its interests in the sphere of labor legislation, should actively use the so-called advisory type of legal regulation of labor relations. The proposed analysis may become a crucial point for future legal research in the field of labor market. Conclusions. Positive motivation to systematic long-term employment, as well as social responsibility of business are the main tasks of state ideology as a key element of labor market. The formation and consolidation of such ideology will make it possible to apply the provisions of labor legislation more accurately in accordance with its meaning and purpose.