Abundances of chroococcoid cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in surface waters of the York River subestuary covary with spring-neap tidally induced changes in the mixed-layer depth. Abundances of their principal grazers, heterotrophic protists, however, do not oscillate. A simulation model of this system using nonlinear, density-dependent functions has been developed to replicate cycles observed in the two bacterial abundances and simulate bacterial production and protistan grazing. A Jassby-Plan equation is used to determine growth rate from the mean mixed-layer light and empirically derived growth and a parameters. Changes in mixed-layer depth regulate light availability, thereby controlling cyanobacterial growth rates. The model predicts a close coupling between cyanobacterial growth and during destratified periods when cyanobacterial stocks are low. During stratified periods when cyanobacteria biomass values are high, the model suggests that grazing is saturated and has little effect on cyanobacterial biomass. Grazing on heterotrophic bacteria is rarely saturated and is only loosely coupled to heterotrophic bacteria production during destratification. The model was tested at several grazer feeding preferences for cyanobacteria or heterotrophic bacteria and reproduced observed microbial biomass values most accurately when there was no initial preference. These model dynamics suggest that the heterotrophic protists fed equally well on both heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria.
Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Domingues, Carolina Davila
Sampaio da Silva, Lucia Helena
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Sampaio da Silva, Lucia Helena
Rangel, Luciana Machado
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Rangel, Luciana Machado
de Magalhaes, Leonardo
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
de Magalhaes, Leonardo
Rocha, Adriana de Melo
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Limnol, BR-21940590 Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Rocha, Adriana de Melo
Lobao, Lucia Meirelles
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Juiz de Fora, Lab Ecol Aquat, BR-36036900 Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Lobao, Lucia Meirelles
Paiva, Rafael
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Juiz de Fora, Lab Ecol Aquat, BR-36036900 Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Paiva, Rafael
Roland, Fabio
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Juiz de Fora, Lab Ecol Aquat, BR-36036900 Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Roland, Fabio
Sarmento, Hugo
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Univ Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Hidrobiol, Lab Proc Microbianos & Biodiversidade, BR-13565905 Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Ficol, Museu Nacl, BR-20940040 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
UMR Itap Montpellier France, Irstea, Mulhouse, France
Univ Haute Alsace, Lab Math, Mulhouse, FranceUMR Itap Montpellier France, Irstea, Mulhouse, France
Sari, T.
Wade, M. J.
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Newcastle Univ, Sch Civil Engn & Geosci, Newcastle Upon Tyne NEI 7RU, Tyne & Wear, EnglandUMR Itap Montpellier France, Irstea, Mulhouse, France