1. Electrophysiological detection of acetylcholine (ACh) release by synaptosomes from the electric organ of Torpedo was searched for by laying the isolated nerve terminals on a culture of Xenopus embryonic muscle cells (myocytes), and by recording the ACh-induced inward currents in the myocytes. 2. Whole-cell recording in one of the myocytes revealed rapid inward currents that where generated soon after synaptosome application. These pulsatile events strongly resembled those occurring normally during the early phase of synaptogenesis after nerve-muscle contact in Xenopus cell cultures. They were called spontaneous synaptic currents (SSCs). 3. The SSCs produced by the synaptosomes had a rapid time course, with mean time-to-peak and half-decay times of 2.6 +/- 0.4 ms and 6.0 +/- 1.1 ms, respectively. Most events had a falling phase that could be fitted with a single exponential. The mean time constant of decay was 6.2 +/- 1.1 ms. More than half of the SSCs (approximately 60%) constituted a rather homogenous population in which the time-to-peak versus amplitude showed a positive relationship, the smallest events displaying a shorter time course. The rest of the SSCs had a more variable and slower time course. Such events are also observed in young and mature junctions in situ. 4. The amplitudes of SSCs had a wide distribution which was skewed towards the smallest values. The mean amplitude was 65.2 +/- 16.1 pA. 5. During the minutes following an application of synaptosomes, the frequency of the SSCs tended to decrease, but their mean amplitude remained constant. Such behaviour could be reproduced during several successive additions of synaptosomes while recording in the same mycocyte. 6. Just after synaptosome application, the SSCs were superposed to a noisy inward current that lasted for 20-60 s. Noise analysis of this current gave the values of 0.7 +/- 0.1 pA for the mean amplitude of the elementary event, and 4.7 +/- 0.2 ms for its mean duration, values that compare well with those reported for the activation of frog embryonic nicotinic receptor. This suggest that the noisy current was due to ACh molecules set free by synaptosomes which were either damaged or which released ACh at some distance. This view was strengthened by biochemical analysis of ACh release by synaptosomes in vitro. 7. Tubocurarine reversibly abolished the appearance of both the noise and the synaptosome-generated SSCs, showing that these currents were due to the action of ACh. 8. The present results demonstrate (i) that synaptosomes in vitro are able to release ACh at a site that is very close to the myocyte receptor-rich membrane and (ii) that the molecular machinery ensuring pulsatile or quantal release of ACh at natural synapses remains functional after isolation of the nerve endings.