The author is engaged with the roots and proceedings of integration in psychotherapy. This trend is typical mainly of the last decade when - after the rise of hundreds of partial psychotherapeutical movements - the pressure for reasonable. integration has become more and more apparent. The moving moment was represented by both the need of clinicians, and the pressure of insurance companies. In the sphere of psychotherapeutical integration, the whole scale of phenomena has gradually appeared: starting from eclectic joining of methods, over searching for common factors of particular therapeutical orientations, up to the struggle for coping with the problem of integration from the theoretical point of view. The author characterizes briefly these main particular trends, inclusive of some of their representatives. A special attention is paid to the psychotherapeutical integration under our conditions. The author mentions the contribution of Prof. Knobloch in the sixties, as well as the meritorious work of Prof. Kratochvil, together with the whole group of experienced therapeutists from the Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy and Psychological Consultancy, whose organizational seat is in Olomouc.