In this study, we investigate whether a tissue-level constraint can explain the general inverse relationship between growth rate and precocity of development in birds. On the whole, altricial (dependent) chicks grow three for four times faster than the less dependent, more able chicks of precocial species of similar adult mass. We suggest that an antagonism between growth and acquisition of mature function in skeletal muscle constrains postnatal growth and development in most species of birds. Altricial species, represented by European starlings in this study, hatch with skeletal muscle having low capacity for generating force but grow rapidly. Conversely, precocial species (northern bobwhite quail and Japanese quail), hatch with relatively mature skeletal muscle, especially in their legs, but grow more slowly. As development proceeds in all species, exponential growth rates decrease as muscles acquire adults levels of function. Among four variables associated with muscle function, exponential growth rate (EGR) was negatively correlated with pyruvate kinase activity (glycolysis), potassium concentration (electrical potential), and dry weight fraction (contractile proteins) in both pectoral and leg muscles but not with citrate synthase activity (aerobic metabolism) in either set of muscles. For pectoral muscle, these variables accounted for 87% of the total variation in EGR in all three species combined despite a twofold difference in growth rates between the starling and quail. EGRs of leg muscle (51% of variation accounted for) were less than predicted by the pectoral-muscle equation in quail during the early part of the postnatal period and in starling during the late postnatal period. This result would not contradict a growth rate-maturity constraint hypothesis if EGRs were down-regulated for allometric other considerations.