United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) introduced the Adaptation Policy Framework (APF) to support the developing countries in order to help to make adaptation policy and strategy to climate change. This study provides the summary of the APF and will help for preparing policy regarding the impact of climate change and its adaptation. APF consists of five basic and two cross-cutting steps. Five basic steps are made of (a) defining project scope and design, (b) assessing current vulnerability and adaptation,(c) assessing future climate-related risks, (d) developing an adaptation strategy, and(e) continuing the adaptation process. Cross-cutting steps consist of engaging stakeholder and enhancing adaptive capacity. The project scope and design process includes four major tasks: scope the project and define its objectives, establish the project team, review and synthesize existing information on vulnerability and adaptation, and design the APF project. The main purpose of assessing current vulnerability and adaptation is to understand the characteristics of current climate-related vulnerability in priority systems and the scope of adaptive responses. Future climate-related risks are assessed in order to characterize future climate-related risks, so that adaptation policies and measures can be designed to reduce the system's exposure to future climate hazard. In developing an adaptation strategy, all of the preceding APF-related work is synthesized into a well-considered strategy that can direct real adaptation action. Continuing the adaptation process is in order to implement and sustain the APF-strategy, polices, and measure. The purpose of involvement of stakeholders is to communicate between individuals and groups about projects. Finally, enhancing adaptive capacity provides guidance on how adaptive capacity can be assessed and enhanced.