A revision about the narrative studies shows us that the narrative act is an inherent fact for the human being.. We are homo sapiens, because we are homo narrans., as the academic Jose Maria Merino (2002) has said. Against the narrative structures, the traditional oral tale stands out as the most ancient. So old and so present in all the civilizations that semantic and formal components are repeated in tales from different cultures. Such aspects are the aim of our analysis about this compendium of fairy tales from Equatorial Guinea transmited in Spanish language. In this situation, the oral Fang tales appear like a living art. It is not an event only for children; all the community takes part in this. party. that will be exalted by the presence of the singing. Because there are not many studies about African oral tales (nor about Guinean tales), we compulsorily need to use Western studies, this fact takes us to the field of comparativism. However not always these studies are confirmed in this research which concluded with these results: the viewpoint of truth and fiction disappears (European studies use it to delimit some European traditional stories); the irregular use of formulas at the beginning and in the end; the ludic and the didactic purposes go together in fairy tales; the supposed universalization of the estructuralist method of Vladimir Propp, explained in Morphology of the Tale (1987), seems to be inoperative, because the thirty-one functions are reduced and because its lineal succesion. The themes and the motifs, covered by the spirit of the culture where they appear, are similar to themes and motifs identified in Spanish or International compilations. Finally the oral traditional nature of the compedium is obvious with the nine. Epic Laws. established by Axel Orlik (1965): the Law of the Opening and Closing, the unity in the plot, the concentration in one main character, the Law of Repetition, the Law of Three, the importance of the initial and final position, the Law of Two in the Scene, the Law of contrast and the Law of Twins.