The aim of the current study was to adapt Experiences Questionnaire (EQ) (Fresco et. al, 2007) which measures decentering, a common element of all mindfulness-based therapies, into Turkish. The participants of the study were 363 undergraduate students (251 females, 112 males) enrolled at a state university in Ankara. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was carried out to test the one factor structure of the Experiences Questionnaire. CFA results confirmed one factor structure of the questionnaire (Satorra-Bentler chi(2)/df = 3.05 (p < .001), RMSEA = .07, NNFI = .93, CFI = .94, SRMR = .06 and NFI = .92). Cronbach alpha value for decentering factor of Experiences Questionnaire was found to be .80. Furthermore, in order to test the criterion-related validity of the EQ-Decentering, the relationship between EQ- Decentering and the Short form of the Ruminative Response Scale (Treynor, Gonzealez, & Nolen-Hoeksama, 2003) was investigated with the participation of 620 university students. Decentering was found to be significantly and negatively related to rumination. As a result, the current study conducted with the university students provided evidence for the reliability and validity of the Turkish form of EQ- Decentering. Findings were discussed in the light of the relevant literature.