In this study, we review management accounting research in Taiwan during the period 1997-2009. The results indicate that issues related to management control systems are most extensively examined, followed by inventory management, cost accounting and management, management accounting in general, decision-making methods, externally oriented management accounting, and others. In terms of research methods, analytical modeling is applied most frequently, followed by survey, field-archival, case study, experimental study, and normative/ conceptual type of research. In terms of theories applied, economic theory is applied most frequently, followed by organizational behavior, production and operations management, strategy, psychology, finance, and information science. Only a few studies do not apply theories. With respect to research settings, except for the inventory management studies, most studies are conducted with an industry as the setting. While there is room for improving research quality, the articles reviewed in this study have produced acceptable quality. The areas for improvement include paying attention to self-selection bias in the field-archival research, sample selection issues in the survey research, among others. Overall, our assessment of management accounting research in the above aspects suggests that management accounting research in Taiwan has achieved a certain level of quality.