In IT industry research communities and data scientists have observed that Big Data has challenged the legacy of solutions. 'Big Data' term used for any collection of data or data sets which is so large and complex and difficult to process and manage using traditional data processing applications and existing Relational Data Base Management Systems (RDBMSs). In Big Data; the most important challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization and privacy. As the data increases in various dimensions with various features like structured, semi structured and unstructured with high velocity, high volume and high variety; the RDBMSs face another fold of challenges to be studied and analyzed. Due to the aforesaid limitations of RDBMSs, data scientists and information managers forced to rethink about alternative solutions for handling such data with 3Vs. Initially research study focused on to develop an intelligent base for decision makers so that alternative solutions for long term suitable solutions and handle the data and information with 3Vs can be designed. In this research attempts has been made to analyze the feature based capabilities of RDBMSs and then performance experimentation, observation and analysis has been done with Big Data handling tools and technologies. The features considered for scientific observation and analysis were resource consumption, execution time, on demand scalability, maximum data size, structure of the data, data visualization, and ease of deployment, cost and security. Finally the research provides a decision support metrics for decision makers in selecting the appropriate tool or technology based on the nature of data to be handled in the target organizations.