Thirty tributyltin carboxylates were synthesized by using (Bu3Sn)2O(TBTO) as a raw material. The structure of these compounds. was distinguished by studying of their IR and NMR. The results have shown that absorption frequencies of carbonyl group markedly depend on the coordination number of tin atom. The chemical shifts of Sn-119, C-13 and 1J(Sn-119-13Sn) coupling constant of the compounds have been determined. It could be found a small structural change around the tin atom can be reflected on chemical shift Sn-119. For tributyltin arylcarboxylates, we have found that there is a relationship between chemical shift Sn-119 and Hammett constant of the para-substituent of the corresponding compounds: delta-Sn-119 = 19.11-sigma + 110.62 n = 7, tau = 0.9955 The biological activities of same compounds have been studied. They may be used for fungicides of frutier.