The U.S. Aerospace Industry is in trouble. By virtue of defense cutbacks it is losing the business that maintained it at the ''cutting edge'' of U.S. technology. Not only os this having a major impact on scientific and engineering employment but it is threatening the U.S. ability to maintain a leading role in commercial aerospace which, in turn. will adversely impact America's economy, balance of trade, and eventually national security. Switching aerospace from defense to commercial products will not correct this trend. This industry group is not structured to survive without major government programs. There is, however, one solution. This would be for the U.S. to take a leading role in producing and providing solar energy on a global scale. The time has come to do this. Most of the major technologies required are now in hand. The cost of finishing the research required and building and deploying the necessary space based power plants are now reasonable considering the numerous benefits to be realized. Other major powers, led by Japan, are beginning to realize this and are actively pursuing programs. Unless America shows more interest in this area than is now the case it risks losing its world power position in the next Century.