The interdependence of corporate governance and organizational culture has always existed. Corporate governance is present in large organizations, which we call joint stock companies in BiH. The organization's workflow, dividend payments, and day-to-day operations are monitored by people in charge of corporate governance. On the other hand, within each organization, and so on the corporations, a certain organizational culture is introduced, which is specific, and it is essentially known only by employees of a certain company. How much the real impact of organizational culture on corporate governance in BiH companies will be seen in the paper that follows. Corporative management is a form of governance that is characteristical for corporations, or for joint stock companies. Corporate governance, as a set of mechanisms by one corporation, grows and develops on the market, is of fundamental importance to developed countries of the world (United States - US, United Kingdom - UK, Germany, Canada, France and Japan). In the case of lower organizational forms of companies, capital owners often also make their management-management structure. The corporation represents such an organizational form of companies where there is a large number of capital owners whose ability to manage such an entity is insufficient, so they are required to engage professionally competent experts outside the business community (managers) to which they delegate the right to manage and manage. Organizational culture is a special form of culture that includes certain customs, attitudes, values, traditions and rituals. Organizational culture encompasses a system of ideas and concepts, customs, traditions, procedures and habits for acting in special macroeconomics. Organizational culture is a set of values, norms and beliefs.