Initial steps in the process of evaluating and selecting a computerized information system for the pharmacy department are described. The first step in the selection process is to establish a steering committee and a project committee. The steering committee oversees the project, providing policy guidance, making major decisions, and allocating budgeted expenditures. The project committee conducts the departmental needs assessment, identifies system requirements, performs day-to-day functions, evaluates vendor proposals, trains personnel, and implements the system chosen. The second step is the assessment of needs in terms of personnel, workload, physical layout, and operating requirements. The needs assessment should be based on the department's mission statement and strategic plan. The third step is the development of a request for information (RFI) and a request for proposal (RFP). The RFI is a document designed for gathering preliminary information from a wide range of vendors; this general information is used in deciding whether to send the RFP to a given vendor. The RFP requests more detailed information and gives the purchaser's exact specifications for a system; the RFP also includes contractual information. To help ensure project success, many institutions turn to computer consultants for guidance. The initial steps in selecting a computerized pharmacy information system are establishing computerization committees, conducting a needs assessment, and writing an RFI and an RFP. A crucial early decision is whether to seek a consultant's expertise.