More ago than 2 decades in Mexico one began to give a radical change in the economic model. The Mexican economy, that had been characterized in the decade of the 70 by a low degree of opening, became more between years 80 and 90 one of the opened economies of the OECD, as a result of the entrance from the country to the GATT (1986), and of the take effect of the TLCAN (1994). Same asi an economy very controlled by the state by means of a great amount of paraestatales companies, was transformed into "an almost pure" market economy, by effect of a massive process of privatization, as a result of as single they are left two great companies public, both in the power sector (PEMEX and CFE). The results are not so encouraging: the rate of real growth of the GIP in the last 20 years has been net inferior to the one of the two previous decades; the social differences follow enormous, the indicators of distributiva justice have not improved of significant way as well as the poverty indices. In the last years some imbalances, internal as as much external have been become serious, that they force to a reflection on the necessary changes in the economic model. In that Mexico sense one faces crossroads, where two possible scenes glimpse: first he is the one of the structural reforms, understood like agudizacion of the dominant neoliberal model; the second is the one of a change of model or a substantial modification of the present one.