Talipes Equinovarus deformity of foot;
Modified Mckays procedure;
Cincinnati incision;
D O I:
R5 [内科学];
1002 ;
100201 ;
Objective: To evaluate the results of extensile posteromedial and posterolateral release (modified Mckay's procedure) through Cinicinnati incision at Orthopaedic unit II Nishter Hospital Multan. Patients and Methods: Twenty children with twenty two congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) feet with moderate or severe degree of deformity operated between March 2010 to April 2012. Eight children 40% were female and twelve children 60% were male. Two presented with bilateral, 6 with right and 12 with left foot involvement. All the twenty-two feet were treated with extensile posteromedial and posterolateral release through Cincinnati incision. Results: Patients were evaluated clinically. Average follow up was nine months and results were satisfactory.