Burn-out syndrome is an inadequate response to chronic emotional stress, and is constituted by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. It frequently appears among sanitary staff. We developed this study in Hospital Son Llatzer, among physicians working in emergency room, psychiatry and ICU, to study burn-out level and as secondary objectives, to study socio-demographic and working variables that could influence over burn-out syndrome and to analyze the polled physicians' solutions. We recompile data about previous expectative for the work dcvelopment, perceived support, thc better and worst in work and burn-out levcl with Maslach Inventory. Media scores are: emotional exhaustion: 21,29 + 9,93; Depersonalization: 9.09 5,84; Personal accomplishment: 38,61 + 6,29. In our sample scores are below the proposed point to diagnose burn-out syndrome. We want to emphasize that personal accomplishment is higher among men than among women, more emotional exhaustion and depersonalization when working was worse than what was previously expected and more emotional exhaustion when support was lesser perceived. As conclusions: Physicians look like been preserved from burn-out syndrome thanks to the positive experience of personal accomplishment; colleagues support perception is a protective factor; previous expectative is related to burn-out level; we cannot find differences among different services; and social and working acknowledgement reduce professional wearing out and the probability of suffering a hum-out syndrome.