Dropouts of a weight reduction program are not evaluated for the lasting effects of weight reduction. This study was an attempt to learn about the benefits of weight reduction received and sustained by the dropouts of the program. Ninety-seven males and females dropping out of a dietary weight management program after 16-18 weeks of treatment, and after 9-9.4 kg weight loss and wishing to rejoin the program for a second time after at least 9 months' absence from it, were considered for the study. Their body weight, serum cholesterol, serum triglyceride, and blood sugar levels at the beginning of the second attempt, were compared with the respective values at the beginning of the first attempt. All patients had regained the weight lost during their first attempt when they reported for a second attempt. However, serum cholesterol and triglyceride values were 15% and 26% less for females, and 17% and 24% less for males, compared to their respective values on the first attempt, in the subgroup of patients with normal blood sugar levels. In the subgroup with above normal blood sugar levels, however, serum cholesterol and triglyceride values showed an increase by 12% and 17% respectively, for females, and by 2% and 7% respectively, for males, compared to their baseline values on their first attempt. The mechanism responsible for this observation was not uncovered. However, the observation that even an incomplete attempt at weight reduction appears to contribute in maintaining lower levels of serum cholesterol and triglyceride of at least those with normal blood sugar levels, is useful in nutritional counseling for emphasizing the health benefits of the weight reduction.