The data article contains the experimental data and figures on the number of rooted cuttings, number of cuttings with callus, cutting mortality and root length of Parkia biglobosa cuttings. The investigated data are related to the research article "Effects of alternative hormones on the rootability of Parkia biglobosa." (Dunsin et al., 2014) [1]. In the experimental data, number of rooted cuttings, number of cuttings with callus, number of cuttings with mortality, total number of roots, total root length of cuttings and length of longest root of cuttings data employing alternative hormone (Pure Honey, Coconut Water, Moringa Leaf Extract) on the semi-hardwood stem cutting of Parkia biglobosa have been exhibited. The data would be useful to researchers finding alternate growth and rooting hormones that are cost friendly and for vegetative propagation during enrichment planting program of important tree crops that are difficult to propagate via seeds. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.