The recently introduced National Standards for Community Service schemes in Scotland recognize that certain offenders on Community Service may experience personal difficulties that interfere with their ability to comply with the order of the court and recommend that where necessary advice and help should be provided to assist completion. A study of twelve Scottish Community Service schemes revealed that in spite of their often being accepted for Community Service because of the absence of obvious instability in their lives, many offenders encountered personal difficulties while completing their orders and those who did had a higher incidence of absence from placement. The relatively few instances of intervention by Community Service staff that were found were mainly of a practical nature. Two schemes were, however, identified as offering a more intensive social work service which may have enabled certain offenders who would not otherwise have done so to complete their Community Service Orders. The practical implications of increased intervention by Community Service staff are discussed as is the possibility that such an approach might enable schemes to deal successfully with a higher proportion of offenders who would otherwise have received a custodial sentence.