Aim: To analyze the performance of the German team in Cup 2014. Materials and Methods: The study and nature documentary with free access to information, it was decided to observe the matches of the German championship team in 2014 World Cup, held in Brazil. Therefore the sample was composed of seven matches and the data collection was conducted through observation. Results: The results were shown by three tables, the first containing the data from the final 15 minutes of each match, the second containing the data of the entire games and the third containing the data efficiency of the German team in general. Discussion: Table 1 shows the data of the 7 matches of the German national team in the 2014 world cup, referring to the final 15 minutes of each match, totaling six tackles, averaging 55.5% of the ball, completed 467 passes, kicks to score 19, and 16 were certain pro goal, with utilization of 84.2%. Table 2 shows the data of the 7 matches of the German national team in the 2014 world cup, referring to the total time of each game, in the game against Brazil a great use of kicks to score 85.7% in matches against USA and Algeria 63 are presented % of possession, 21 tackles in the game against Algeria, best performance this foundation, completed 725 passes against USA, with utilization of 89% of passes. In table 3 the great efficiency of the German selection is presented through data collected in general, showing its superiority in the competition. Conclusion: We conclude based on the data that the German team had great performance during the final 15 minutes.