Studying social, ecologic and economic dimensions, a design language is revealed ignored by most designers and policy makers today. LandLAB challenges issues in planning design to think about the importance of landscape behaviors-affected by urbanization through exporatory research principals to understand unforeseen complexities in landscape infrastructure where problems are lypically hidden, yet revealed through imagery and maps. LandLAB is a research laboratory between Peking University and Turenscape. Recently, having joined forces with HKU and PKU students for a 7-days joint workshop during March 2013, expioring impeding urbanization affects on landscape ecologia. The workshop titled, "Transformation of Post Productive Landscape", was programmed with guest features from Turonscape. as well as tutorial sessoins. This was a learning laboratory for students, teachers, and professionals alike, to reach, learn and explore new insignificant methods towards landscape urbanism.