Introduction: resolution of the most acute problems of the 21st century (such as depletion of energy resources, climate changes, food safety, population aging, etc.) depends on the efficiency of development and introduction of new technologies and materials, which is one of the ways to increase living standards of population and an important factor for economic development of any state. Proceeding from those facts, the authors of the article draw attention to the need for thematic scientific research based on new methodological approaches and having a complex interdisciplinary nature. Purpose: to identify legal methods and tools, as well as conceptually new research approaches, to get the most objective results from scientific interaction between different branches of science. Methods: the authors provide an example of their scientific research in the field of nanoindustry based on a new methodological framework with the use of institutional approach in the context of interaction between economic and legal structures, aimed to compensate unilateral scientific studies on the system phenomenon under consideration by overcoming the problem of limited methodological arsenal. Results: it is proved that application of the new non-traditional methodological potential, which denies unilateral approaches, offers great opportunities to get objective results from such special and system study of the processes of formation of nanoindustry, which has a fundamentally interdisciplinary nature due to the very essence of nanoscience. Conclusions: the nanoindustry is fundamentally interdisciplinary by its nature due to the very essence of nanoscience. Thus, clear determination of its sectoral structure should be recognized objectively impossible both in economics and law. The methodological tools described in the article are first of all relevant for co-operation of economists and specialists in the field of private law regulation of economic activity in the course of scientific research on the formation of innovative economy of knowledge and high technologies, especially nanotechnology and mass standardized production of results in nanotech activities.