The article deals with the processes of the transformations of the peasants' daily religious memory by the example of 14 provinces of the Russian Empire. On the basis of the constructivist methodology of studying historical memory, the widespread approach that links the historical memory of the peasantry exclusively with historical knowledge about tsars, commanders, historical figures is overcome. Transformations of the everyday religious memory of the post-reform peasantry are described in the context of peasant perceptions of the church as a social institution, as well as the attitude of rural residents to rituals, canons, church holidays, priests. The article reflects the contradictory processes that took place in the Russian village during the modernization of the 1860s, when the fundamentals of the economic, household and social order that existed for centuries were seriously transformed. In this regard, the appeal to religious practices as the most resistant to changes in the consciousness of rural residents, allows us to highlight the existing contradictions in the ratio of the traditional and the changing. Known, fixed in the literature stamps on the general prevalence and depth of religious feeling, as well as the presentation of the religious indifference of the peasants, are not supported by the sources. The closest practices to the rural residents are the ones of prayer, observance of fasting, icon-worship. At the same time, the behaviour of peasants, especially the youth, in the church, an attitude towards the clergy, and non-observance of a number of previously unshakable religious traditions, speaks, at least, about the serious changes in the religious consciousness of the peasants. Often, religious practices were reduced to the commission of traditional actions that rather superficially reflected religion and the Orthodox faith.